12/02/07 by Garvar at 2:20pm EST

Well, good news.

Decided last night to go back to BRW's roots and hit up the local Pizza Hut with Pete for some serious dinner-eating and comic-writing. There's something special about just the two of us going to that place, because we accomplished a lot in the way of BRW's remaining plot. We now have the entire "basic idea" written out, and now just have the individual comics left to plan out.

We shall see this to the end.

Also, I've been giving some thought into how I'm going to restructure the index page. Now that I know a bit more PHP as well as MySQL and database queries, I can reimplement the navbar as well as rewriting the news page to automatically index old posts. The former is pretty unnecessary, but will take me about 20 minutes to implement. The latter, on the other hand, is a much more necessary feature which will be much more difficult to implement. But I'll see what I can do, because this page is getting long.


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